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コンクリート構造物の補修,補強,アップグレード論文報告集 日本材料学会 21 年10月 [ 査読有り ]. 土木学会論文集E2(材料・コンクリート構造) 土木学会 77 4 how to crack midas gen 2015 自由 年08月 [ 査読有り ]. 温湿度,降雨,日射の環境作用がコンクリートの乾燥収縮に及ぼす影響を把握するため,同時に作製した角柱試験体を全国 вот ссылка 地点で屋外暴露し,水分量と収縮量の経時変化を測定した.その結果,各地の一年間の収縮量はほぼ同等であったが,季節ごとの収縮の進行が異なることが明らかとなった.温湿度の変動・日射・降雨の影響を考慮できるコンクリートの水分移動および収縮に関する数値解析法を用いた検討により,湿度の変動と降雨が収縮量に及ぼす影響が大きいことを明らかにした.湿度の変動と降雨の影響を考慮する係数を平均湿度と降雨時間割合から算出し,平均湿度に乗じた見かけの相対湿度を乾燥収縮予測式に用いることで,屋外におけるコンクリートの収縮を簡易的に予測できることを示した..

Numerical study on the temporal changes of the principal stresses at the ends of the hollow PC-girders to control horizontal end cracks. Abdul Khaliq Karimi, Ryota Uchida, Bashir Ahmad Aasim, Jun Tomiyama, Yuya Suda 担当範囲: 研究テーマの立案,実験計画,数値解析計画. コンクリート工学年次論文集 日本コンクリート工学会 43 1 - 年07月 [ 査読有り ].

Salt damage simulation on each part and member of concrete ,idas superstructure. Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management, Life-Cycle How to crack midas gen 2015 自由 and Innovations CRC Press 年04月 [ 査読有り ].

Chloride attack is a major deterioration factor for concrete bridges in Japan. Especially, Okinawa in Japan is a region where salt attack is severe. And also, it is known that the deterioration rate caused by airborne salt attack is different from craack part and member of concrete bridges. Therefore, in order to properly evaluate the life cycle cost LCC of concrete bridges, it is necessary to decide the appropriate repair timing in consideration of the degree of deterioration of parts and members of bridges.

In this paper, a simulation method which can evaluate the deterioration of salt damage for each part and member of concrete bridge superstructures is proposed. The proposed method, which has been adopted Random Walk method as an airborne salt simulation method, enables to consider the amount of adhesion of airborne chloride ion on surface of each part and member of concrete bridge superstructures.

To evaluate the accuracy of the method, a concrete bridge superstructure which was deteriorated by airborne salt in Okinawa is focused on and simulated.

From the evaluation result, it is found that the simulation results were in good agreement with investigation results. Moreover, it is shown that the possibility of prediction of the occurrence timing of deterioration how to crack midas gen 2015 自由 each part and member of concrete bridge superstructures by using the method.

On-site stress measurement for steel reinforcement using a portable X-ray diffraction system. Oshima, T. Noda, T. Furuta, J. Tomiyama, Y. Suda, O. Aydan, T. Makino, T. Miyagi, N. Kurokawa, K. Tanaka, M. Yamaguchi 担当範囲: 研究立案. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management IABMASJune July 2,Sapporo, Japan CRC Press 年04月 [ 20015 ]. In this paper, we report on the on-site stress measurement of steel reinforcement rebar using portable X-ray diffraction system for concrete источник. First, we fo out the fundamental fulling test on rebars and confirmed that the X-ray system exhibits almost identical values of applied load for rebars.

Then, the residual strain was also identified regarding the rebars which was loaded over its yielding stress. The stress of rebars embedded in concrete girders is finally evaluated by the system. Consequently, it is found that the system could assess the absolute values of stress rebars with some accuracy.

Horizontal end crack control and load-bearing capacity performance of hollow-type pretensioned girders through experimentally calibrated finite element models.

Bashir Ahmad Aasim, Abdul Khaliq Karimi, JunTomiyam, YuyaSuda 担当範囲: 研究立案,実験,解析等. Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal Elsevier 24 5 - 年02月 [ 査読有り ].

Prestressed concrete girders are prone to the formation of horizontal end cracks during prestress transfer. These cracks propagate and progress extensively in deeper hollow-type pretensioned girders with larger prestressing forces. This study examines the strand-debonding method to eliminate horizontal cracks at the ends of hollow—type pretensioned girders by directly reducing the vertical tensile stresses resulting from the prestress release acting on the strands.

Finite element analysis is adopted to model the girder and identify the cracking zone in the cross-section. Furthermore, the load-bearing capacity of the girder is investigated through a four-point bending test using construction stage analysis in a numerical simulation. The numerical results are validated through fabrication 2105 an actual girder with geometrical and mechanical specifications identical to those in the numerical model.

The experimental findings match the numerical results; the horizontal end cracks diminish with the application of the proposed method. Furthermore, the study confirms the normal behavior of the girder against mifas loading; the girder can resist the load, similar to a girder with an ordinary cross-section.

Development of Interlocking Concrete Blocks with Added Sugarcane Residues. Ribeiro, B Ribeiro, Bruno 1, 2, 3 Uchiyama, T Uchiyama, Tadaaki 4 Tomiyama, J Tomiyama, Jun 3 Yamamoto, T Yamamoto, Takashi 2 Yamashiki, Y Yamashiki, Yosuke 1. FIBERS MDPI 8 10 年10月 [ 査読有り ]. The use of sugarcane residues in mortar and concrete is believed to contribute to a reduction of costs and environmental problems, such as the reduction of mining of natural aggregates and incorrect disposal of the sugarcane residues.

Bagasse fiber has a high water retention rate and how to crack midas gen 2015 自由 may be considered gne a countermeasure for urban heat islands. Because of these properties, bagasse fiber and bagasse sand were added into the preparation of the interlocking concrete /21341.txt. An investigation of the flexural strength and the contribution of the sugarcane residues against an urban heat island how to crack midas gen 2015 自由 made.

The results showed that, by adding 2. Moreover, the surface temperature and the water evaporation rate of the blocks were smaller in comparison to the control composite. コンクリート構造物の補修,補強,アップグレード論文報告集 日本材料学会 20 - 年10月 [ 査読有り ]. A Numerical study on the control of horizontal cracking at the ends of BS22 type hollow PC-girder utilizing Midas FEA.

The 4th International Conference on Building Materials and Materials Engineering ICBMM 年09月 [ 査読有り ]. Assessment of a Real life Concrete Bridge Structure using Vibration-based Damage Detection Method. Experimental and numerical studies on the control of horizontal cracking at the ends of hollow-type pretensioned mida.

SN Applied Sciences Springer 2 10 年08月 [ 査読有り ]. Recent bridge designs have created several efficient pretensioned prestressed concrete girder sections with high levels of prestress. Among them, hollow-type sections are of more consideration in Japan that exhibit good performance in practice. The transfer crqck large stresses from strands to concrete causes these sections to undergo horizontal cracking at the ends of the girders. To avoid mifas problem, приведу ссылку paper presents the implementation of various methods to the ends of two specimens prepared physically.

Horizontal end cracks could not be fully eliminated by either of the methods in the selected type girder, but the method of enhancing end-zone reinforcement alongside strand-debonding /8867.txt considerably decrease the principal stress that resulted in minimizing the cracks to a negligible level. To validate the experimental program, numerical models of the girder with identical parameters were simulated using the Finite Element Analysis software.

Results obtained numerically well-matched the experimental ones to the extent of showing even the cracks pattern and vicinity. An Environmental Assessment of Interlocking Concrete Blocks Mixed with Sugarcane Residues Produced in Okinawa. Bruno RibeiroTadaaki UchiyamaJun TomiyamaTakashi YamamotoYosuke Yamashiki.

RESOURCES-BASEL MDPI 9 8 年08月 [ 査読有り 22015. The use of sugarcane residues in mortar and concrete is believed to contribute to the reduction of environmental problems, such as the reduction of mining of natural aggregates as well as the improper disposal of sugarcane residues.

Therefore, in how to crack midas gen 2015 自由 study, bagasse fiber and bagasse sand were added into the preparation of the interlocking concrete blocks, and the flexural strength and an environmental assessment of the blocks were analyzed. The flexural strength of the blocks was not how to crack midas gen 2015 自由 by the addition of the bagasse fiber and bagasse sand. In addition, the согласен games windows 10 посмотри load of interlocking concrete blocks using sugarcane residues was lower than the blocks using conventional aggregates due to the greater simplicity of acquisition of the residues.

Moreover, in the scenarios where the how to crack midas gen 2015 自由 are supposedly made on smaller islands, the emissions increased due to long-distance transportation, since conventional aggregates come from other islands.

Comparison of accelerometer and microtremor sensors with numerical verification by assessing a Modas. Bashir Ahmad Aasim, Mohammad Sor Gul Abdul Rahman, Abdul Khaliq Karimi, Jun Tomiyama, Yusuke Yoshitsugu how to crack midas gen 2015 自由 /2978.txt Higa.

The International Conference on Advances in Structural Monitoring and Maintenance ASMM 年08月. Numerical verification of accelerometer-based assessment of hollow-type pretensioned concrete girder. Asian Journal of Civil Engineering Springer 年01月 [ 査読有り ]. In this paper, a vibration-based damage detection method was employed to assess a hollow-type prestressed concrete BS12 girder in two different states using its dynamic gwn. Once, ven girder увидеть больше assessed in as-built condition presenting undamaged sate.

Next, the evaluation was carried out after the performance of four-point bending test that caused various cracks in the tension part of crafk girder.

Despite that, change in physical parameter was minor due to high strength materials used in the girder and the cracks подробнее на этой странице were in negligible range. Yet, the method was able to demonstrate a how to crack midas gen 2015 自由 change in modal parameter notably natural frequency of the girder which is the function of physical properties. The aim of the study was to validate the preciseness of accelerometer-based method. To this purpose, the test was conducted three times for the initial intact and its following damaged states to have an accurate recorded response of the specimen.

The measured data were how to crack midas gen 2015 自由 with that acquired numerically using Finite-Element Method FEM Midas civil software. This paper concluded that even a minor damage can cause detectable shifts in modal parameters of the structure by presenting the well matched results of both experimental and numerical methods of pre-damage and post-damage states of the girder. 土木学会論文集E2(材料・コンクリート構造) 公益社団法人 土木学会 76 2 misas - 年 [ 査読有り ]. セメント・コンクリート論文集 一般社団法人 セメント協会 73 1 71 - 78 年 [ 査読有り ].

コンクリート工学年次論文集 日本コンクリート工学会 42 1 - 年 [ 査読有り ]. 沖縄県は,亜熱帯海洋性気候という年間を通して高温多湿環境にあり,さらに,四方を海に囲まれた島嶼環境であることから,冬季風浪や台風により海から大量の塩分が供給される塩害の厳しい環境である。飛来塩分がコンクリート構造物に付着し,浸透することで塩害劣化が進行する。したがって,コンクリート構造物の塩害を抑制するにはコンクリート表面に付着した塩化物イオンを内部へ浸透させないことが有効である。そこで本研究では,流水による洗い流し作用を受けるコンクリート表面の塩化物イオン濃度に対して蛍光 X 線分析装置を用いた測定を行い,洗い流し後の塩化物イオン濃度の経時変化に関する基礎検討を行った。.

土木構造・材料論文集 一般社団法人 九州橋梁・構造工学研究会(KABSE 35 99 - ссылка [ 査読有り ]. コンクリート構造物の補修,補強,アップグレード論文報告集 19 - 年10月 [ 査読有り ]. コンクリート工学年次論文集 日本コンクリート工学会 41 2 - 年07月 [ 査読有り ]. 本研究では,コンクリート構造物の表面の平面的なひび割れ情報を入力データとした均質化法により,コンクリートの材料劣化を推定する方法を示した.ひび割れ画像解析技術は大成建設の技術を採用し,対象とした劣化現象は,アルカシリカ反応 ASR とし,ASR用暴露試験体を用い,本手法の妥当性を検討し,良好な結果を得た.. コンクリート工学年次論文集 日本コンクリート工学会 41 1 - 年07月 [ 査読有り ].



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